Kamis, 24 Januari 2008

Integrating Your Adsense Websites With Your Affiliate Program

Instead of just building and promoting just your adsense websites, you

can also add multiple streams of income by integrating your

affiliate programs into your adsense pages!


Let me show you…

Let’s say, you want to build a website on “Travel”. This is a “HOT”


Once you build your Travel website, go to affiliate program directories

and pick out some good and *high* paying affiliate programs related

to your theme.

Almost all affiliate programs are free to join and you can earn 30% to

70% of sales by referring people to those other “related” websites.

Just imagine…

One of your “Travel Website Visitors” is reading through the articles on

your website and sees a banner (or any other type of ad) for a product

related to the topic, what happens then…?

The visitor clicks and goes to the sales page of the product you are


If the visitor buys, you get a share – wonderful isn’t it?

Similarly, on each and every article page, you can have multiple ads

for affiliate programs you promote.

More than banners, “in-line” text links are found to be more effective

in affiliate promotion.

In other words, you can identify several “keywords” related to the

affiliate program you are promoting and make all those *keywords*

clickable hyperlinks on your page.

For example, let’s say you are promoting a “Low Cost Airline Ticket”

affiliate program. The possible keywords for this affiliate program

could be:-

low cost airline tickets

airline fares

online air tickets

buy air tickets

book return tickets

compare airline prices

… and so on.

You have now built your first adsense page

Wow! You have now built your first adsense page.

It’s easier said than done. In fact, there are a lot more things to do.

Just building a few article web pages with adsense code is not going to

bring you any money.

So, what else is needed to bite into the Adsense pie?

One of the best strategies to earn a decent income from Adsense is to

build “topical” websites.

Research and find out what topics are “hot”. You can go to

Overture.com or Google.com and find out what information people

are searching for. There are lots of tools available on the Internet to

figure out this information.

Pick out a few hot topics and build individual websites on each topic!

Getting all the topics under one website has not proven effective.

Individual “topical” websites are more likely to give you better


For each topic, you’ll need to build an ‘index’ page. This page will list

all the articles you have put together on the topic. For each article,

you need to build a separate web page, embedded with your adsense


Of course, to build topical websites, you need a lot of content. But

getting articles on every imaginable topic is easy! Later in this report,

I’ll show you how you can have more than 25500 articles on various

topics and categories.

Building your “topical” adsense websites may not sound easy for

everyone. Basic HTML skills are required to put together your articles,

adsense and navigational links.

But don’t worry. I’ll show you how you can build your own

professional quality article website quickly and easily, without

ever learning any new geek language.

Before going to the next chapter, I have to warn you about the search

engine’s “Duplicate Content Filter”.

It’s the latest technology used by search engines to filter out all

duplicate material from their index.

This means, if the search engines encounter multiple instances of the

same article on several websites, the duplicates will be left out of their

indexes and won’t show up on their search results.

Search engines are getting smarter everyday. They want to provide

the “most” relevant and “unique” content for their users, which is

absolutely correct and fair enough.

If you are searching for a topic of your interest in your favorite search

engine, you don’t want to get a list of websites all with the same

content… do you? That’s why, duplicate content will be filtered and

only UNIQUE information will be listed by the search engines.

Later in this report, I’ll show you exactly how you can make your

content unique as well as making the search engines fall in love with

your websites and rank your sites higher on their index.

Just building your Adsense websites won’t bring you any money.

You’ve to get visitors. This is where most people are struggling.

It’s no use having a ton of web pages unless people are visiting

your websites to read your content.

And, the best and biggest sources of traffic (visitors) to your adsense

websites are the Search Engines!

Depending on the topic you have chosen, the keywords present in your

articles and optimization you’ve done for each and every web page,

search engines will index, rank and display your website links to

people searching for information.

To get visitors to your high paying keyword pages, you need to

optimize your site navigation.

Stop for a moment and think about how visitors are using your

website. After a visitor has landed on a certain page, they have the

tendency to click on another page that sounds interesting. They get

there because of the other links that appears on a page that they

initially landed on. This is site navigation. It is all about enabling

visitors to move about your site and one way of maximizing your

Adsense earnings.

A typical website has menu links on each page. The wording on these

links is what grabs a visitor’s attention and gets them to click on one

of the links that will take them to another page of that website. Links

that have “free’ or “download” are oftentimes good attention-grabbers.

More the number of web pages you have, more the number of

links you can get from the search engines.

Of course, Search Engines won’t list your websites unless you submit

your website information to each one of them.

Alert: Don’t go overboard here and spend your money

on “Submit Your Website To 38823 Search Engines”

scams. There’s really no such thing!

Manually submitting your websites to top search engines like Google,

MSN, Yahoo, DMOZ and other major search engines is more than

enough. More than 99% of the website traffic you get from search

engines is driven from these major players.

Building Your Adsense Websites

The basic ingredients that go into building your Adsense web page are

articles (information), your adsense code and web site navigation.

In simple terms, all you need to build your first Adsense page is a

good article on a ‘hot’ topic, one or two adsense code blocks and a

neat looking web page with links to go other web pages.

Let’s start with the first ingredient – a good article. Write a couple of

paragraphs about the topic you have chosen and make sure you use

the ‘keyword’ you’ve selected appears repeatedly throughout the


Fire up yor favorite web page (HTML) editor and design a simple web

page. Add your content and hook up your adsense codes wherever you

want to display the ads.

Take care that you don’t end up with a page FULL of adsense

ads. This is not allowed by Google. According to Google’s policy, you

cannot have more than 3 ad units on any single page.

Add navigational links wherever required. Add links to other articles,

your main website or promote your affiliate links.

Adsense is all about targeted content

Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content

is, the more target the search engines’ ads will be. There are some

web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site

contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the

ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is

working its best.

There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be

achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into

existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can

make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content was the

most important factors that is taken quite seriously. It still is; with the

allure of money, of course.

Once you are ready with your Adsense account and become familiar

with your Adsense control panel, you are ready to start rolling out your

new adsense websites.

Pay special attention to the Adsense code you get from your

control panel. There are a number of ways to display Adsense on

your website. You can display one big banner at the top, a long

banner on left or right side of your page, a rectangular ad box etc.

You can also choose the fonts, colors, borders, backgrounds etc. for

displaying ads so that they match the ‘look & feel’ of your websites.

You can even choose whether you want to display text ads, image ads,

both or just a list of links.

How To Start With Adsense?

Getting started with Adsense is easy and needs just a few minutes of


The first step is opening an Adsense account. Visit

http://www.google.com/adsense/ and follow the on-screen

instructions to open your Adsense account.

For the time being, don’t just worry about the array of reports you see

inside your google adsense control panel.

Just open an account and read the help available at the Google


Read their terms and conditions. It’s very important that you

understand their policies and regulations before you start

building your Adsense websites.

Earning revenue with Adsense

Earning revenue with Adsense can be done easily and quickly. You will

be amazed at the results you will be getting in such a short period of


How does it work? Very simple. Advertisers pay Google to display

their ads and Google in turn pays you to display those ads on your

own websites.

Can anyone make money with Adsense? Well, it depends. First of all

you have to create your websites and setup to display Adsense code

on your web pages. Then you have get visitors to your websites.

When people start visiting your websites and read the information on

your websites, they start clicking on the Ads displayed. Each and every

one of those clicks puts money into your Google Adsense account.

So, it all depends on the information you are giving to visitors and

achieving “click-throughs” from your web page.

“Always remember, people visiting your websites are there

to read information and to learn more about the topic they

were searching for and NOT to click on your ads.”

However, if they find what they want, they are likely to click on the

ads displayed to get “more” information on what they were initially

searching for.

In other words, when people click on the ads displayed to get more

information, you get paid!

Will visitors really click on the ads displayed? Yes, because Google will

take care of displaying only those ads that are highly “relevant” to the

content present on the web page. In other words, if your web page is

about “Aquariums”, Google will automatically display ads related to

“Aquariums”. This ensures that you will really get click-throughs from

your web page and in return you make money for every click.

Earning Adsense Income: Is It True?

Everyone and their dog have got the “Adsense” fever nowadays.

Adsense is considered as one of the most powerful tools in a website

publisher’s arsenal. It enables anyone to earn a decent income from

their websites easily.

Kids in high school are making thousands of dollars every

month with Adsense.

Housewives, retirees, mom and dads, who are just staying at home

and have never made a dime on the internet have created full-time

incomes by simply placing Adsense ads on their web sites or blogs.

These are just some of the “Super Adsense Earners”. You may have

already heard about their story for they are among the few who are on

their way to making millions worth of cash just by promoting Adsense


Anyone, any age and gender can become money generating Adsense

publishers quickly.

If used properly, Adsense can generate a very large and healthy

income. However if you are not using them rightly and maximizing the

income you squeeze from each “adsense-peppered” web page, you are

actually leaving a lot of money on the table.


The mandatory legal stuff is over. Let’s get started.

Let me first thank you for taking the time to download and read this

Special Report.

In this report, we shall talk about…

#1. Earning Adsense Income: Is It True?

#2. How To Start With Adsense?

#3. Building Your Adsense Websites

#4. Integrating Your Adsense Websites With Your Affiliate

Program Links

This is a no-fluff, no-filler, plain-english text that’s written to put more

money into your pockets and bank accounts using the power of

Adsense and Affiliate promotion.

So, take your time, enjoy, and learn!